Table of contents

<aside> ⚠️ This documentation is about opening the Farly hosted offerwall in your user’s browser. If you want to display the offers directly in your page, use the API: Farly API


Setting up

<aside> 💡 You will need with your publisher ID and Api key. Visit or contact your Farly representative if you don’t have yours already.


<aside> ⚠️ You must replace API_KEY and PUB_ID with your own values !


Open the desktop offerwall

Before displaying the offerwall, you need to compute a hash based on your API_KEY and the current timestamp. Here is an example of generating the hash in javascript:

const timestampInSeconds = Math.round( / 1000)
const HASH = CryptoJS.SHA1(timestampInSeconds + API_KEY + '')

Verify your hash

To display the desktop offerwall, redirect your user to the following url, with the proper parameters:

Mandatory parameters include userid, pubid, timestamp, hash , from=wallv2, and device=desktop

All parameters are described in the postman documentation of the Wall V2 that you can find here:
